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Naked Riding
carla lawson robandcarla@hotmail.com
The other day I was riding bareback. (No April I am not converting.)
Ansata came to a quick stop. Needless to say It kind of ruined the ole sex
life for a few days I was a tad bit sore. So I am reading how some Nudist
wants to ride naked thru the woods. Now I will be the first to admit..Mmm
kinda Kinky, Kinda Fun, Perhaps we all have thought about wanting to shed
the clothing and go frolicking thru the woods with our horses. But crying
out freaking loud here..Lets get serious..Naked??? heck if my horse gets
remotely sweaty and I am riding bareback (No April I am not converting)I
get some slight case of breakout in the thigh areas. Now lets think here.
A horse loves to roll in dirt, mud, some manure, pee areas. This combined
with fur and what ever else is in that fur. Gets close to the genital
I can't imagine the worst kind of UNFRESH feeling in the world. And this
chick wants to go Au Naturale?? Someone call the happy wagon this one is a
bit too freaky!! Not only is the fur nasty.. but have you considered
things as..poison ivy, oak and the like? ew...BUGS... the
spiders<occasional cobweb>, and the ever possiblity of approaching
Homosapiens Rednessneckus. Tell your friend she is whacked in the head. I
understand wanting to go naked..heck who doesn't trapse naked thru the
house every once in a while to fetch the underwear out of the dryer or to
greet your Husband..and find his mom and dad have a surpise visit!
But riding naked? maybe if a saddle was involved but only in a very remote
area in the dark. Or if I was paid a considerable amount of money. But no
pictures...well maybe one 8x10.
Another thing..How do we know that if we were to approach our horses naked
that either A) they wouldn't run off from fear or B) fall down laughing.
I will keep this endurance related. If they ever have a Naked Endurance
sport. I will personally volunter to do PR here. I will pay to do PR!! I
would love to see some goober comeing thru PR trying to do a trot out with
everything giggling around. This would be pricelessly funny. In fact lets
put the PR area around some briars. but the down side is the Vets would be
require a two trot out trip...to make sure he was right the first time
since he/she was looking elsewhere.
Carla (fully clothed at the moment..but gonna go get in the shower.)
Ansata (Im naked...and I am also cold and wet!)
Haley (Naked humans scare me!)
Rob (You had to tell them that?)
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