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RE: NC ride

<<<In any case, at a minimum we need to clarify the roles and relationships. >>>
Sorry to disagree but at a minimum we need more of the membership to take an interest in the procedures of the AERC Board and to attend the Annual Meeting (no, not the convention but the Annual Meeting) and express exactly what they want to see the BoD accomplish.   If you don't attend the Annual meeting or have a continuous dialog with your Regional Directors and the Directors-at-Large then you do not have reason to query what happens.

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 9:10 AM
Subject: RC: NC ride

Well, ain't I a babe in the woods?   It would have never occured to me in a million years that AERC was not supporting and helping coordinate the AERC National Championship ride.   I like, uh, don't get it.   

Seems we have a fundamental conceptual misunderstanding here, which needs to be resolved.  Is this THE annual national championship for our sport?  If so, I believe it should be coordinated and funded (or at least overseen) by the national office.  If it is just a regular sactioned ride, no different from any other, the national office has NO additional role aside from that performed for all rides.

My own one-man's-opinion is that the National Championship rides, which I have never had the good fortune to attend, should be a unique, structured AERC event, with appropriate guidance and direction from the national office.

In any case, at a minimum we need to clarify the roles and relationships.  

More input from our BOD members??

pat farmer

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