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pre ride jittttttterrrrsss

> 2 years 6 months since my last ride.. I have pre ride jitters and I >
have a little under two weeks to go..any tips?? while I refill my
>mylanta > IV? I> have no fingernails,millions of
things in the head spinning around.. HELLLP!!Angies bread sandwiches
don'teven sound good anymore!

Ignore people who tell you how to relax.  If we wanted to relax we
wouldn't do this to ourselves.  Face it. You really ARE going to die. 
Your horse *will* tie up the first 5 miles. You should have padded
(unless you did in which case you shouldn't have).  Your saddle doesn't
fit.  It is going to rain...unless you didn't clip in which case it's
going to be 85 degrees.  

Now.  Assuming all this is true, think it over and decide, "what the
heck, I still want to go".  You'll feel a sweet release, because no
matter how bad it gets, it's still fun in a twisted sort of way.  Now,
let's Pollyanna-ise the whole scenario.  Assuming your truck doesn't blow
up and you make it to the ride...but don't vet in...  Cool! You still get
to visit everyone, your horse is here, and chances are you'll get a
pretty good checkup from the ride vets plus your money back.  What a

What if you start, but you get pulled at the first check?  Think about
it, after the fit your horse is going to give you the first 15 miles,
you'll probably shake the vets hand and they'll offer you a free drink
from the cooler for the volunteers.  Plus, you've got more time to

What if your horse strains a tendon and needs 6 months off.  Wow! Think
of all the money you'll save on shoes and entries during that time.  You
can finally get all those chores done that have been piling up without
feeling guilty for not riding.

Face it, going to a ride is a win win situation.  I suggest you simply
pass the time for the next 2 weeks by snapping testily at your family and
making lists.  Whatever you do, do NOT start loading the trailer now or
there'll be no room for the horse when the departure date hits.

P.S. Bread sandwiches are only to be eaten at rides.  I recommend
chocolate ice cream and coffee. The extra caffeine helps you test your
marriage during this time of stress.

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