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Re: Where does UAE stand?

LuAnn Rod
	Although the future of international endurance racing is not on the top
of my list either, Angie brings up a possible problem for USET.
	UAE, as one of only a few countries that recognize the Taliban as the
legitimate government in Afghanistan could be identified by the U.S.
government as allies of terrorism. If what Pres. Bush said, that not just
the terrorists who killed Americans, but their allies, are at war with the
U.S., that could be a problem for all international sports involved in
that country.
	It seems to me it's far to early to say how this is all going to play
out, but the rhetoric coming out of the Middle East, though appalled by
the act, most have also said that an attack on an Islam country is an
attack on all Islam countries. And if the Afghan religious leaders call
for a "holy war," it's at least possible that popular opinion in those
moderate Mid East countries could swing away from pro-American sentiments,
even from a very friendly sheik, toward solidarity with their Muslim
	Then the U.S. government enters into the sport equation. Don't forget
that politics stopped Americans from participating in the Olympics in
Russia. And other countries have been banned by international opinion from
participating in international sport, i.e. South Africa during apartheid.
I believe I heard that the U.S. equestrians already pulled out of the
world competition in Spain. That may be security reasons now, but next
week it could be political.
	I suspect that this is something that is probably being discussed by all
parties involved in international sports.

Louie Rod
Bozeman Montana
(ridecamper lurker but posting as a guest cause I'm at work)

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