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Where does UAE stand? Angie

Angie McGhee

I must be really bad at expressing myself these days.

I'll say *again*, I was curious as to whether the UAE leaders
will be putting themselves in danger by SUPPORTING us.  They're
obviously going to be in a delicate situation.  I was asking,
"Do you think "Our" guys over there are in danger"...meaning
the endurance riders who happen to be UAE citizens.

In my comment on the World's Most Preferred and the Olympics I
was *not* gloating.  I think it's sad that this has happened to
them.  I could just imagine after all the hard work they've put
into making this an International sport that they are hurt
badly by the recent events.  If I *did* have a horse that was
 worth their inviting me I wouldn't go because I'd be afraid,
not to spite them.  My chances of going to any such event...
WEC, WMPreferred, or Olympics were *very* slim, but I enjoyed
knowing I was actually on the Long List.  That's all gone now
and an empty feeling has replaced it.  Sure it doesn't matter
much when you consider some people lost husbands and wives...
but when you think about this laying in bed at night you think
about it from all angles.  Why would the current problem effect
the Olympics?  Because terrorists have hit the Olympics before...
It's such an International Focal point and they'd get so much
mileage out of it.  It's a natural.

Why am I talking about how it will effect endurance? Because this
is an endurance list.  The bombing still makes it hard for me
to get interested in topics like girth rubs and beet pulp just
yet and we're supposed to keep the topic endurance related.  I am
far more interested in whether our economy will recover and
whether students I had in class last year will be shipped out.

I guess I shouldn't have made the comments about their women not being
allowed to ride. Fact was that issue struck me before the
bombing and was bothering me, but now's not a good time to pick
on them I suppose.

I hope that the UAE is able to stand with
us on this issue without having to fear beign alienated in their
own region.  I do not blame them for terrorist actions. I sincerely hope
and their Minister Of Defense is able to support us without endangering
himself and his country with is neighbors.  That would be a heavy
burden to bear.

  I'm saying all this sincerely.  It's hard to convey a sincere tone
without sounding sarcastic. It's too serious for smiley
 faces and winks to show good intentions though.

I'm dropping off Ridecamp now so if you need to yell at me just send it to
my address.


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