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Equine chiropractors in SoCal?


I'm wondering if anybody knows of a good equine chiropractor that 
practices in the East San Fernando Valley area of Southern California. 
 I've never tried a chiro before, but am thinking maybe it's warranted now.

My 10 year old Arab mare has been a little off lately, and flexion tests 
and hoof-testers have shown legs and feet to be okay.  She seems off at 
the extended trot sometimes (kinda crooked and head-bobbing a little), 
and is also cross-cantering a lot.  She also gave me a little crow-hop 
in protest last night, when I asked for a canter.  She never does this, 

Saddle is the same, so I don't think that's it.

She had a nasty run in with a gate and fence a several months ago, when 
her blanket got hung up on the gate latch.  She pulled the gate off its 
hinges, and uprooted two fence posts in her struggles.  She broke the 
point of her hip bone off and got really scraped up.  Vet was out and 
patched her up.  She was very sore and stiff for 2-3 days, but after 
that seemed fine.

So, even though it's been months since that incident, and she's only 
seemed "off" in the past few weeks, I'm wondering if she's out of whack 
from that incident or maybe something more recent that I don't know about.

Thanks for any referals!

Jennifer and Mahriah

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