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Re: Re: psyllium and bermuda hay
At 05:52 PM 9/6/01, Susan Garlinghouse wrote:
>Try to imagine how little trouble I had skimming off and disposing of all
>that nice hay floating on top of the water. <vbg>
Ah - I somehow had imagined the hay having to sit in the water for days,
getting yukky and unfit for horsie consumption.
I can see this is an experiment one would want to do without horses
helping. I can also see that once the dirt/rocks/garbage was separated
out, I would be one unhappy camper to realize how much money I've been
paying for non-hay. I've got lots of dirt & rocks & garbage of my own -
don't need to import it or feed it to my horses!
Lif Strand
Quemado NM USA
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