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psyllium and bermuda hay

Susan G.
Linda says she is now feeding coastal hay.  I live in coastal region SC and also feed bermuda.  It is sandy here and my hay comes from Orangeburg, clay and sand.  I also feed some alfalfa from north midwest states to my youngsters. 
My question is:  does bermuda, by its very nature being grown in sandy soils, contain more sand than, say timothy or orchard grass hays?  They are grown west and north of SC and I don't know in what kind of ground.  But I also have that shipped in to feed a variety of grass hays to all of my horses.
Began doing this after a mare had to be shipped to mountain region.  She became very allergic to "lowcountry mold spores".  Vet said she would not live another season here.  And the mold spores would also be found in locally grown hays.
Your opinion, please:)  Do the different hays help ward off allergies and sand in gut?
Long note for 2 questions!:)
Beth Gunn

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