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Re: Re: psyllium and bermuda hay
> How exactly did you do this soaking? Did the dirt/sand just sink to the
> bottom of the water container? And what did you do with the soaked
> afterwards?!
Filled up a big tub with clean water. Dunked the whole flake and tore it
apart in the water. The water got pretty muddy and the heavy bits settled
to the bottom (as they would do in a horse's hindgut). When I found all
that dirt, I did the same thing on a larger scale, in a scrubbed out trough.
Very closely supervised by all five horses, whom I suspect were trying to
suggest I also dump some beet pulp, grain and some nice carrots into the
soup pot as well.
Try to imagine how little trouble I had skimming off and disposing of all
that nice hay floating on top of the water. <vbg>. All five of them had
their faces in the trough playing U-boat Commander as soon as I stepped
Susan G
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