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BC award -- was Re: Norco Ride
Lee said:
> I was proud of the Head Vet who decided not to give a BC award as he felt
> that all the horses that were eligible were not BC material. I applaud his
> committment to the welfare of our horses and I feel he made a powerful
> statement with his decision, and one that we should all fully support.
This brings up something I hadn't really thought about before. I had assumed
that the BC award was for the horse in the best condition at the end of that
ride when compared to the other 9 top-tenners at that ride...the one with the
highest vet score of the 10.
Is there a minimum vet score that they must get in order to get a BC? Is the
BC award not relative to the other horses in that run or is it a comparison to
the ideal where you must reach a certain level in order to be eligible?
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