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water crossing
Angela Lewis mccorkle@thegrid.net wrote >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I have a horse that refused to cross water of any sort. Would love to
hear of any suggestions for this problem. I think I have tried just
anything but very open for suggestions. Thanks Angela
mccorkle@thegrid.net >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.
Well on the trail safety side I can tell you how you should not go about
this. 15-16 years ago I went trail riding with my brother, his green QH
gelding was not going to cross a little creek. "I" was not going to
turn back so I dallied to my saddle horn w/o having an extra long lead
and my 3/4 arab mare was standing in the water on the slick rocks trying
to get some traction to pull. I was ready to give in but my stubborn
little mare gave one more effort and handily hopped out of the way when
the gelding finally came with a lunge. It was not a wreck, but it could
have been. One really, really shouldn't pony a horse across water w/o
having enough line that the stubborn horse wont hit the other one if it
comes with a mighty leap.
Horses tend to be herd animals and if you can arrange to be
crossing water coming back towards home or the trailer with a
buddy horse so that the non-crosser is faced with being stuck
by themselves, plus a very long way home to backtrack it really helps
put pychological pressure on them that crosssing the water might be the
lesser of evils. It also helps if the rider projects firm confidence
that "of course you are crossing this water -thats your job."
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