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distance riding - answer to Jim
Jim, my dream is to ride forever on my horse. Distance riding if one is
lucky produces the most incredible bond with one's horse. I have had this
with 4 horses. How lucky can one get? My kids assure me that they will
have a crane to lift me on the horse's back. If I die on my horse, that is
even better. Riding fast is like sailing or skiing. It is just me and the
horse, or me and the water, or me and snow. I have discovered one thing
though as I get older, I tend to be a little smarter and don't quite have
the wild races that I use to. BUT would I race if given the right
opportunity? YES! Pump the msm and osteo bi-flex in my body so I can keep
riding! Jeanie PS don't forget the magnesium either!
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