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Fwd: Re: Membership Rights /Conflict of interest
Hi AERC Members: When will the last AERC Membership survey going to be
published in the AERC?????? Once again the BOD voted without input from the
Membership. The decision to eliminate the AHSA was done without any notice
to the Membership. You all have a responsibility to the AERC Membership and
that includes keeping us ALL informed before rash hastily impulsive voting.
So how did you vote?? I understand those who have been on the TAKE with USET
want to continue in their good graces. This only includes about ONE PERCENT
OF THE AERC MEMBERSHIP who has THEIR Bread Buttered. What about the other
99% of the AERC Membership?? Are we there only to pick up the rest of the
you can WIN! All the attempts to make change were voted down even when
changes were made to include the other 99% of our Membership. The same
selfish individuals want to be on the TAKE just for them. I was once a
Member of USET but all I got was a constant barrage of letters asking for
more Donations. Where do you think USET gets their money to give YOU a free
ride. Someone is paying for YOUR free ride. The Selection is the same
self-serving methods. You chose me and then I'll chose you. I don't see
anything but losing TEAMS for some time under USET. It's the HORSE that
wins, not the Rider.Oh sure some select Riders will get free trips but that
will not produce a wining team! Does the Kentucky Derby get their Horses
from ZONES? We are one county so eliminate the zones and start picking the
BEST HORSES first, then the Rider. Bad selections from one Zone drags the
rest of the Team down. We need the Best Horses first and then the Rider
second. Select from All AERC Riders not just the Wantabees. Lets support the
Shouldbees. Do Spain, France, UAE, Japan etc have Zones? Why was it reversed
to not include all AERC riders and eliminate the AERC International???
Slamed the door on the rest of the AERC Riders. Does the BOD just support
the International Riders now??
Seems they are getting all the attention including special sanctioning of
FEI Rides taging on to our AERC Rides. Not only that they weasled into our
National Championship via under the Table. If you all really look at the
make up of our BOD you will see too many that have conflict of interest and
their voting shows their conflict of interest!!! It is really not necessary
to include a Conflict of Interest clause in our By-Laws as it is covered in
Corp. Law. Ridecampers beware of who you vote for, they may only have their
own interests at heart. Bye Hope Lundquist
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