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Re: Re: Barefoot Endurance Horses
I just finished reading Dr. Loving's book and was surprised to read that she
recommended heels left long, also. As I've read more than once here that the
horses that are able to compete mile after mile have short heels.
I think what she (and what most others) are referring to as Low Heels is to
more of a underslung heel where the heel is long but still low as it's
crushed forward (pulled forward by the long toe?). I think this is a point
of confusion for many.
Another concept that I found completely different than what I had pictured
from the phrase is.... Needs more heel. I had a farrier explain that what
was meant by this is that the heel is too far out front (underslung?) and
needs to be brought back under the horse which would mean trimming back the
heels to be more under the horse, very different than what I would have
thought which would be more heel as in more heel!
Boy, it can get confusing when you don't understand the language and
interpret everything literally!
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