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Re: Barefoot Endurance Horses

> Where is Dr. Loving's book does it say that horse's heel should be left
> fairly long??

Hi Lynette -

If you re-read chapter 3, she talks about either low heels or long toes (and
of course LTLH combined) causing an array of soundness problems - low heels
causing coffin bone and pastern joint stress.  She also mentions that
horse's heels should not be trimmed, only the toes.  From what I have read
about barefoot trimming (Strasser, Jackson, and info on the websites), the
idea is to lower heels and toes.  I am open to correction on this... (hence
my original Q for Darolyn)

My (mis?)interpretation that Dr. Loving prefers a longer heel was reinforced
by looking at pictures of the ideal hoof that she shows.  They all appear to
have longer heels than the NT pictures I have seen - where the heel bulbs
are nearly on the ground (I think Jamie's book says 1/4" off the ground).

Since Darolyn has distance horses that are barefooted, I'd really like to
hear what her natural trims end up looking like.  To me, her results mean
she's likely on the right track.


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