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Leases/ horse selling
> Hi Beth - It takes me months to decide if I truly like a horse.
What ever happened to buying a horse, then selling it when it doesn't
work out? Why should someone else have to wait out your indecision?
I've had lots of horses go through my hands... only a couple of which I
bought to keep. However, I have bought horses for re-sale which I
decided to keep after I had them awhile. Some things take time, but I
think it should take my time, not the sellers.
When I negotiated for Kaboot the owner told me to "Take him, ride him,
and if you don't like him you can send him back". I said, "Ha, ha, I'm
not going to break this horse for you for free. I'll buy him, take him
and ride him and if I don't like him I'll sell him" and he said that was
I think you need to make a commitment. It's sort of like shacking up
with somebody instead of marrying them. Well...that just makes you look
for a reason to back out "before it's final". The best thing in my
opinion is to make a commitment. Those faults don't seem quite so bad
when they belong to *your* horse, not the sellers. I'm amazed how much
horses increase in value the second I pay for them. I see nothing but
their good qualities.
Now, I agree you should careful about who your horse goes to. But, I
consider myself a good home, and I would not want to buy a horse that
somebody was going to tell me how to take care of...and I'd really just
as soon they didn't keep coming over as if it was theirs. Check me out.
Look at my horses. Ask about my reputation. Then it's time to cut the
strings and let the horse go.
By the way, I have often talked people out of buying my horses when I
thought they were bad matches. I've also sold to someone who was just
certain that they wanted this particular horse after I discouraged it,
and the second they had trouble I went and bought it back. I learned to
follow my hunches and just scare them off the first time.
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