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Re: RC: Reply to rearing
>Besides the fact that I don't believe whipping solves anything in any
>*humane* manner, I can't exactly see how whipping a horse on the front
>legs would 1) encourage it to go forward or 2) discourage it from rearing
>to escape the pain. All I see it as is gratuitous punishment which
>doesn't even acknowledge that the horse has got some *issue* with loading,
>or that the guilty party is actually the human who didn't properly trailer
>train the horse in the first place.
I will agree with the value of whipping. There isn't any.
When you watch horses in a herd situation you'll see two reactions to a
"whipping." If the whippee can escape it usually does. If the whippee
cannot escape it moves toward the whipper. Horses move toward pain or
the expectation of pain. When you see them fighting and the horse is
attacked above the shoulder it will go up to meet the threat. If it is
attacked below the shoulder it will go down to meet the threat.
This is why when you whip a horse to get it off of you it usually runs into
you. That is why when you whip a horse on the rear to make it go forward
it backs up.
This principle is used by some to "teach" loading.
The horse who rears on trail rides with other horses but doesn't when trail
riding with her pasture mate and familiar humans is a horse who is confused
about its sense of place and who is actually leading the "herd." Since
everyone is following the horse at the head of the group horse logic dictates
that horse is the leader.
What may be helpful is showing the horse where the real leader is. Instead of
following the leader she may benefit from being shown she *is* closer to the
"leader" than the other horses.
By mimicking lead horse actions you can establish a leader/follower connection
that will carry over to trail rides.
Send an email to my autoresponder Bonder@MarvWalker.com for the URL of
a procedure that will help you instill a sense of place in a horse who
lacks one.
Try it and then see what difference it makes on your next trail ride. If
the horse
acts up on the trail you can dismount and put the horse through a refresher.
Horses rear for relatively few reasons of which pain and being blocked from
ahead while driven by a stimulus are the main two. Rearing in a pasture at
while rearing, is not anything to worry about. Rearing under saddle is.
A tie-down is at best a band-aid and may in fact make the situation more
dangerous by not allowing the horse to use its head for balancing. A horse
not need to throw its head up to rear, it only has to move its weight back
over its
hindquarters. If it loses its footing and cannot use its head to catch its
again, it will go over.
Marv "This time Rison's carrying the torch for Lopez." Walker
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