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Re: RC: Reply to rearing
There is a difference between "whipping" and what I use when teaching a
horse to trailer load. Trailer loading using John Lyons' technique is a
simple "tapping" on the horse's butt to ask him to "go forward". You
have already taught the "go forward" cue before you ask him to load on a
trailer. I am not asking him to "get on the trailer". I'm simply asking
him to "go forward". I will persist in asking him to "go forward",
denying all other options, until that he understands that going forward
onto the trailer is the easiest and best option. Make it easy for him
to do the "right" thing. I will not "punish" the horse under any
circumstance, reward any "attempt" to go forward..i.e. put one foot into
the trailer, walk toward the trailer, etc. by ceasing to tap and
stroking him. I will not tolerate rearing or trying to go between me and
the trailer, and rap the horse sharply across the cannon bones for doing
this...not whip...one sharp rap to tell him that's not an option. I
have NEVER had a horse misinterpret this or go forward toward me. It may
take two minutes or two hours....but it works...and is a PERMANENT
trailer loading solution. If you are unfamiliar with this technique,
you need to do your homework and check it out. It will "fix" trailer
loading forever. Just toss the lead line over the horse's neck, raise
your hand (without a dressage whip), and he hops right on. No force, no
feed on the trailer, no mess, no fuss. It's safe and works every
time....if you have the patience and understanding to do it properly.
Please do not confuse "whipping" with correction. I would NEVER abuse a
horse....or any other animal...and I resent your implication here. Get
your facts straight and learn about the technique before you criticize.
I just bought a 4 year old....it took me 10 minutes to teach him to
load....and I rapped him on the cannon bones just twice. He now steps
right on with a kiss....and while I was at it, I taught him to come off
with a tug on his tail.
What method do YOU use? After this post, I'm REALLY interested! <grin>
Regards, Jim
Jim and Sun of Dimanche
Marv Walker wrote:
> I will agree with the value of whipping. There isn't any.
> When you watch horses in a herd situation you'll see two reactions to a
> "whipping." If the whippee can escape it usually does. If the whippee
> cannot escape it moves toward the whipper. Horses move toward pain or
> the expectation of pain. When you see them fighting and the horse is
> attacked above the shoulder it will go up to meet the threat. If it is
> attacked below the shoulder it will go down to meet the threat.
> This is why when you whip a horse to get it off of you it usually runs into
> you. That is why when you whip a horse on the rear to make it go forward
> it backs up.
> This principle is used by some to "teach" loading.
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