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joint sanctioning/concurrent rides confusion
Deanna German Dgerman@earthlink.net
(someone) wrote:
>>UMECRA sanctions 50 rides, almost all of which are joint >>endurance/limited distance/competitive rides over a 2-day >>weekend.
Aren't you talking about rides run concurrently? That is, at the same time over the same trail? Not the same as joint sanctioning. Even though your CTR organization (nor mine, AHAO) doesn't follow "neigh-trac" (sorry, couldn't resist) rules, Sylvia's comments still apply. Scoring and rules for CTR, NATRAC (oops! slipped again!) or not, is so different from endurance or LD that AERC doesn't sanction CTR's. Thus, no joint sanctioning.
>> Even the 5-day Shore to Shore event includes both types >> of rides. All endurance competitions are
>> also AERC sanctioned.
The STS is the ultimate mix of concurrent distance riding event(s). CTR, endurance, and limited distance and the entrant can enter single days or do the whole week. 1 horse for the whole thing or one for each day. Wow!
I'm looking at the STS ride flyer and it says there will be a prize for the top LD horse each day. Wish it didn't say that. (Opening that old can of worms...)
Deanna (Ohio)
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