The condition of a horse who doesn't want to stand still while you mount can
range from the minor annoyance to the big wreck if they decide to take off
fast and leave you behind.
One more thing besides those that have already been suggested by other
ridecampers is that if you disengage the rear end on one side, the horse
usually will stand still. If not, try the off side, eventually the horse
should grow quiet and still. Another method is to put one foot in the stirrup
and stay with the horse while it hops. Eventually it will stop moving around
because it doesn't like you putting your weight all on one side and it wants
you to stop. Once the horse stops moving you reward it by not doing it
anymore. Then when you want to get into teh saddle, they're usually still.
For some horses mounting is an issue. It might be anticipation, they want to
get going or they don't like the feel of you getting on. Whatever the reason,
these tips do work. You may not have to do them all the time or all of them
at the same time. You may have to do them repeatedly if the horse is
particularly excited, but give yourself the time to mount, and don't rush