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riding in the trailer

You don't have to ask a dealer, ask your friends! I'll bet not one of them has the same trailer and would be more than happy to take you for a spin. I have ridden in the back of my trailer and it was noisy!! It sounds like you are going much faster than you are and when the fire trucks go by...Ouch! Bus sounds are magnified as well.  I pull a 3 horse slant with open sides and back. When my baby was about 3 months old, we took him to the trails and since it was his first trailer ride, I rode in the back with him and his mother. I warned my husband to be careful, but did he listen? He jackrabbited the starts and drove way too fast to have smooth stops. My baby stepped on himself trying to stay balanced and cut his foot. John is still alive and the baby recovered. It gave me a good appreciation for hauling horses the way they need to be hauled. Slow and easy. I did apologize to my wonderful man after screaming at him like a wild woman but he will not be towing my horses any time soon. Lisa Salas, The Odd Farm

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