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Happy New Year!
Best wishes to all of you for the new year! John and I spent New Year's
Day riding with a group of SW Idaho distance riders in Bruneau Dunes State
Park - the US's largest single-structured sand dune, lakes, great trails
for riding - it was a wonderful way to start the new year! Plus I'm riding
Khruschev again, and he is still and always the best ride I've ever had. I
him 4 months off after his heel bruise episode in France. We shod him
in Natural Balance shoes September - December. His heels are growing
out nicely, though he still has a tendancy towards slow growth. We put
Sneakers (Equithotics) on him last week and he is a very happy mover!
We'll see - I think the Sneakers might be the best thing for him. He's
a big horse and more of a 'pounder' than a 'springer' - so I think the
extra weight bearing surface, and the plastic, shock-absorbing
quality of the Sneakers will be his best chance for healthy feet. I had
a full set of xrays done on him after France to make sure there wasn't
anything serious (navicular, osteoarthritis, etc) going on. Everything
looked great (whew!) so we're back on track. Seems like every horse
teaches us something different - some new management challenge.
For AERC members - here's something to think about: AERC is going
to need to either reduce expenses or increase revenue to stay in
good financial standing in the near future. The biggest expenses
we have are the EN newsletter, and year-end awards. Revenues come
from membership dues, advertising, ride entry fees. You might
think about how you'd like to see AERC move ahead. There is talk
of raising membership dues, sanction fees, etc. There are also
ways we can save money by cutting back on the newsletter, and
awards. Think about this - it will be a major topic of discussion
at the BOD meeting in Reno - and the BOD needs input from members
in order to make the right decisions. (and btw - rational discussion
is much more effective ....)
May your rides be many and your horses stay sound!
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