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    I feel that our FEI team has done well and like Wendy said, "Luck" has a 
lot to do with it.  People will remember the mistakes more the 
    Of course, I, of all people can't speak for everyone but I feel that most 
people fear the unknown.  Maybe there should be more info (in depth) about 
the FEI to educate them.  The other thing that might cause negative feelings 
about FEI is that only a few are selected to participate in traveling with 
their horse to these events.  The AERC is an organization that everyone can 
choose to be involved or not to be involved at any level.  So this might be 
the reason that people on RideCamp are negative about FEI.
    I for one have tried to get involved with FEI with no support and I'm 
still clueless.  We've had some very good years with our horses and have 
collected a few Nat'l and Regional awards along the way.  But, we are "big 
dummies" as to how you get on any list long or short.  We don't even know 
about this Pacific Southwest Team?  How does this work?  We've called and ask 
about the guidelines and haven't yet had a returned call, for the last couple 
of years (1998 & 1999).
    When your so clueless, like my husband & I, then reading an article in 
the EN has no meaning whatsoever.  So after a while we have quit reading the 
articles as to lack of interest.
    Taking in the glory for someone else year after year, without ever 
thinking that you might have a chance at this, looses meaning after a while.  
Maybe the problem is just that simple...
     I wish all the luck to our Teams that travel to other Countries and wish 
them well.  As to doing well or not, they are at least there trying, and that 
is what counts, "Effort, Money & Hard Work."
    BTW, I'm proud of you Wendy & Fire Mt. Flicka, you both did well!

Tammy Robinson
Trail-Rite Ranch & Products

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