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In a message dated Fri, 15 Dec 2000 11:26:04 AM Eastern Standard Time, "guest@endurance.net" <guest@endurance.net> writes:
<< Wendy Merendini merendiniws@navair.navy.mil
I find the paranoa that some folks have about the FEI
amusing. I would recommend that you check the facts
before spouting off.
All said, I do not understand the hostility that some folks
express towards the FEI and International endurance riding. My
friends that ride dressage do not get all spun up about the
differences in local, breed and international competition.
Really and truly people it is just not that much difference,
especially for the rider and as for the horse, the vet controls
are more stringent so the horse does not lose by FEI.>>
Excellent post, Wendy. Much as I hate to do the "me too" thing, I have to do it here. To isolate and alienate FEI and international riding is like cutting off a portion of our ridership. Our sport is one of those wonderful "life sports" that has something in it for just about every rider--ranging from LD for those without experience or with other reasons not to be able to go further, on through mileage competition for slower steadier riders and points competition for front runners, clear on to international competition for those who have the time, desire, skill, etc. to devote to it. To try to eliminate international competition would be like trying to eliminate LD, family awards, or just about any other form of competition that has meaning to a particular group of riders. What may not be your cup of tea may be just what pushes someone else's buttons. This sport is big enough for all of us.
Furthermore, the exposure that we have gotten through international riding has helped this sport to grow (more entries for your local ride manager so he/she can continue to put on the event, and so that MORE rides can flourish), and has also helped the advancement of tack, riding attire, shoeing, etc.--all of which have made both horse and rider safer and more comfortable. Don't knock it until you think where we might be without it!
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