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self exercise
jeri desertrydr1@aol.com
I've been lurking since the computer got back online, couldn't resist throwing my 2 cents worth in.
The last place I boarded had 5 acres pasture, divided in two, and about 4-5 horses in each part. The horses were kept in paddocks at nite, and let out in the morning. They would start getting antsy to get out, then when they were let out, would run for anywhere from 3 to 10-15 minutes depending on how longthey had to wait, and what the weather was. I board at a doifferent place now, but my girls still run when first turned out, even though the horses that have been there a long time never run more than about 10 steps, even when first turned out. My girls try to get some one to run and play with them without success. They act like they just don't understand why no one else wants to run. The other horses are in general not fit, just pasture potatos that aren't ridden. My older mare is slowing down as she becomes less fit (she has been off work due to a lameness for a couple months) I think the key is that if you keep them in part time, and keep them fit, they will have excess energy to burn off and will play more. I gree with other posts regarding the harassment thing. The horses I have observed PLAY they don't harass each other to keep active. They just love to run, and will egg each other on by running close to one who isn't running, but they don't fight or threaten each other in any way. Horses that DO harass (especially a dominant gelding) will NOT leave their target alone, and do inflict injury. Besides, the target is stressed, and looks panicked and miserable. jeri
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