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Re: RC: Ten Reasons Why I am Thankful
Howard4567@aol.com wrote:
> Ten things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, Southern style (and yes,
> Florida is a part of the South):
> 2) I am grateful that we aren't burning buildings, rioting in the streets,
> and shooting each other cause we all seem to really disagree on who should be
> President. After Clinton, it's a tough act to follow, and I think this is
> part of the problem. I'm gonna miss ole Bubba when he's gone.
We all forget from time to time how unique and precious our country is. In only
but a couple of fist full of countries in the world, there would be tanks in the
streets if they were in this situation. Be thankful folks you live in the good
old US of A. Yep I to will sort of miss old Bubba when he is gone. One tough
hombre. The took everything the opposition could threw at him and still had a big
old grin on his face, and usually ended up making them look bad.
> 3) I am truly thankful that nobody has shot me yet cause of my stories. I
> know some have considered the idea but, thankfully, none of them have acted
> on it. If I write one again I promise to use names like I did in "Rookie
> Horse, Rookie Rider" (you should have stopped with that one, Howard); names
> like 9MM, Preacher, Clipboard Lady and Pantyhose Joe.
Howard it's still pretty early :-).
> 4) I am thankful for my kids, especially Jennifer Lee. She lights up my
> life like no other and the time we spend together at endurance rides has been
> the highlight of my life. Sure, she talks back (don't know where she got
> that bad habit) and can get on your nerves sometimes, and after the weekend
> I'm usually "Jennifer'd out", but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the
> world. And, man, can she ride a horse.
Yep, I met her at Ponce (without Howard). She is a great kid and she did have
some good stories. They are for sell :-).
> 5) I am grateful that Dance Line lives.
So are we.
> 9) I'm thankful that we live in a country where riders can still ride and
> horses can still run. I've traveled all over the world (courtesy of US Air
> Force) and still haven't found a place that does it better.
Those you haven't been to I have. I've spent more time in different countires of
the world than I have in different states of the union, and I've been in almost
every state. You are right, there is no better place to live! Sometimes we forget
that fact.
> 10) Finally, I'm thankful to y'all, even the ones who think they don't like
> me. I don't take it personally, most of you have never even met me. No
> matter what is said, I know you love your horse as much as I love mine and
> that's all that matters.
Amen. When all is said and done and the two candidates stop whining, justice and
fairness will rule the day in FL. The FL constitution has a portion which is like
the bill of rights in the US constitution. One of the fundamental rights of a
citizen of FL is to have his vote count as much as anyone else's vote. Not such
a unreasonable concept, eh. So we'll just take a little more time making sure
this is so. The rest of the country can just relax and eat some more turkey while
we figure out what is right.
The only thing that would make Howard more thankful would be if the Gators could
manage to beat the Noles. Better luck next year, buddy!
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