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Ten Reasons Why I am Thankful
Ten things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, Southern style (and yes,
Florida is a part of the South):
1) I am so damn proud of my state. We have y'all thinking twice about,
maybe, George W. just ain't the right guy to put in our White House. Yea,
he'll let us keep our guns, but he's dumber than the turkey you see on that
TV beer commercial. The one who asks the farmer to "pick me, pick me" on
Thanksgiving cause he thinks he's going to get a Bud Light.
2) I am grateful that we aren't burning buildings, rioting in the streets,
and shooting each other cause we all seem to really disagree on who should be
President. After Clinton, it's a tough act to follow, and I think this is
part of the problem. I'm gonna miss ole Bubba when he's gone.
3) I am truly thankful that nobody has shot me yet cause of my stories. I
know some have considered the idea but, thankfully, none of them have acted
on it. If I write one again I promise to use names like I did in "Rookie
Horse, Rookie Rider" (you should have stopped with that one, Howard); names
like 9MM, Preacher, Clipboard Lady and Pantyhose Joe.
4) I am thankful for my kids, especially Jennifer Lee. She lights up my
life like no other and the time we spend together at endurance rides has been
the highlight of my life. Sure, she talks back (don't know where she got
that bad habit) and can get on your nerves sometimes, and after the weekend
I'm usually "Jennifer'd out", but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the
world. And, man, can she ride a horse.
5) I am grateful that Dance Line lives. He really did scare me last spring
and I've learned a lot from the experience. I have completely changed my way
of thinking when it comes to competing at an endurance ride, and I try and
pass it on to any new rider who will listen to me.
6) I am thankful for Angie. I know she probably still hates me, but I've
learned from that experience and, sometime soon, I hope she and I will talk
and work things out. I don't like the way things are right now between us
and I hope, one day, we can fix it. I'm thankful her clan lets me live.
7) I am grateful to AERC. It's the only organization I belong to and I'm
glad that they actually let me continue being a member. I'm also grateful to
Patrick D. for having the guts to publish my story even though subsequent
installments did get pulled. I promise to one day take out the offensive
stuff and get it out there again. I do think it is something that should be
read by riders new to the sport.
8) I'm grateful to Steph, for having invented endurance.net and ridecamp.
And for not kicking me off her site in spite of me giving her good reason to
do so.
9) I'm thankful that we live in a country where riders can still ride and
horses can still run. I've traveled all over the world (courtesy of US Air
Force) and still haven't found a place that does it better.
10) Finally, I'm thankful to y'all, even the ones who think they don't like
me. I don't take it personally, most of you have never even met me. No
matter what is said, I know you love your horse as much as I love mine and
that's all that matters.
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