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Q for Beet Pulp Users (a bit long)
I have been feeding beet pulp for approximately 3
months. I also feed free choice oat hay and a small bit of alfalfa.
I feed five pounds of beet pulp (dry weight) soaked completely with 1 1/2 pounds
of grain mixed into it. At feeding time, I usually toss the oat hay into
the feeder first and tuck a small bit of alfalfa into the side.
My mare will start to nibble on the hay, but has her
eye on me as I prepare the beet pulp mixture. As soon as she sees me
coming, she quits munching on hay and nickers for her beet pulp. I've
watched her for an entire meal to see in which order she eats her meal.
She usually eats about half of the beet pulp/grain first and then munches on the
oat hay. She'll then eat a bit of the alfalfa and possibly wash it down
with a drink of water. She then returns to the beet pulp and finishes it
At the next feeding, the beet pulp and the alfalfa are
completely gone as are the yummy parts of the oat hay. There are
usually scatters of the stemmiest parts of the oat hay lying
Here is my dilemma/question: At the last ride I
did (Swanton 100 in August) and on a training ride where we trailered out for
the entire day (25 mile ride - last weekend) my mare refused to eat the beet
pulp! She turned her nose at it completely and refused to eat it. As
usual, I had mixed in the grain. When she refused it, I tossed in a
handful of complete advantage to increase the palatability of the beet
pulp. No luck. The 6 other horses that had ridden with us dug into
it like it was candy so I know the beet pulp wasn't bad.
I put the feed pan back into the trailer and took it
home. I left it in the pasture and found that by the next morning it was
all gone. I have a heard a few other folks say that their horses won't eat
beet pulp at rides either. Does anyone have a suggestion?
Thanks in advance,
Karen Sweaney
Bakersfield, CA
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