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Re: RC: Best Condition quote in DVM magazine
In a message dated 10/26/00 12:28:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
guest@endurance.net writes:
<< The Oct 2000 issue of DVM has an article on endurance riding,
written by Dr. Kenneth Marcella, DVM. I particularly enjoyed
his quote on the BC award: "The horse and rider who win BC
have essentially negotiated the demands of the trail with the
horse willing to give its all and the rider keeping it from
giving everything."
Kristi >>
Dr. Marcella is the one of the best! We are so lucky in the SE to have him.
Okay not to have him, well you know what I mean! Not only is he an excellent
vet judge, he is one of the best treatment vets in the country. He helped
vet the Hungry Buzzard ride in Auburn Alabama a few weeks ago, and we had
around 10 vet students in attendance. They were hanging on his every word,
and I believe he hooked several!
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