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Re: RC: HELP!!

At 12:21 PM 10/26/2000 -0400, wrote:
>While Karen is right that ideally, horses should have their selenium levels
>tested, in some areas, there is such a profound deficiency that there is
>virtually no risk of overdose with an injection, given a history of minimal
>or no supplementation.

Heidi:  But won't the selenium supplementation vary greatly depending on 
the horses diet?  Not every horse in the same area is fed hay grown from 
that region.  Or fed the same grain feeds.

I know some horses in No. California who have had really toxic levels and 
serious problems because of too much selenium, and others in the same area 
that are deficient.  Are there other factors that affect selenium levels in 
horses besides what you feed them?

Another question:  Do certain types of hays contain more selenium than 
others?  Or is that going to be more related to the field that the hay was 
grown in, rather than type of hay?


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