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Re: Re: Chiropractors

I tried a chiropractor, when my neck and shoulder were so stiff and sore I
could barely drive, or work, or sleep.  He twisted my neck.  Nothing. 
Wouldn't go.   Again.  Again.  Again. Pushed on the back. Ow.   Nothin. 

Was so much worse, if I could have, I think I would have hurt him back. 
Twist, twist, yank yank.  Ow, ow.  Great.

Had a massage, some soma, some  wine,  some Mozart.  Some  yoga.  Riding
helped more than anything.  Gradually, my own stuff worked, and the pain
diminished, then left.  Won't try the chiropractor EVER again.  I would
never "try" it with my mare, who can't yell "Hey, stop that, dammit!"


> From:
> To:;
> Subject: RC:  Re: Chiropractors
> Date: Tuesday, September 12, 2000 3:01 AM
> In a message dated 9/11/00 9:32:52 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
> writes:
> << Okay, this is where you and I will always disagree!  I won't even
>  pretend to be able to change your mind, but I want to relay my
>  own personal experiences with chiropractors, both human and equine.
>  I went to an orthopedic surgeon when a dislocated my "rude finger".
>  Okay, I spend most of my day at the keyboard, and am kind of dependent
>  on my finger working.  But the orthopedic surgeon essentially told
>  me that my finger will always be deformed and have limited range of
>  motion.>
> A stupid orthopedic surgeon--always get a second opinion. The best docs
> this kind of thing are the sportsmedicine specialists.
> >  I went to my chiropractor for another issue, and relayed
>  what the orthopedic surgeon told me.  She said "B---- S----", and
>  proceeded to work on it via manipulation and ultrasound, told me
>  to take some of the same supplements you recommend, and got
>  some physical therapy. >
> Whoops, sound like a 3-point attack here--physical therapy from the quack
> from a physical therapist? Did the manipulation that the chiro applied
> you? Or did you just select the chiro's magic as the healing technique
out of 
> the blue? Say, for purposes of argument.
>  >I now have full range of motion
>  in that finger with no deformity. No thanks to the orthopedic surgeon,
>  who is affiliated with Stanford University.>
> If you'd gone to Brother Leroy of the Church of What's Happenin' Now in 
> Delaware, Ohio, he'd have cured you on the spot--no need for the physical

> therapy and nutrition. 
> > I can flip you off with finesse now!>
> Yeah, I'm flipped!
>  >If I DON'T get an chiropractic adjustment, my pelvis gets
>  out of whack and I'm in pain.>
> I had a friend in similar condition--from a car wreck. He was a true
> in chiropractic and visited regularly to have his back bone crunched. 
> Eventually, he was in such pain that he was paralized until a SURGEON
> his backbone. Doesn't walk real well now, but he can walk.
>  > My sciolosis gets more pronounced
>  and I get to be a real crooked rider.  If I am good and
>  go see my chiropracter when I feel slightly tweeked, my back
>  doesn't go into spasm like it did last time!  I KNEW my hip
>  was tweeked before I rode the Fireworks 50 but didn't get adjusted.
>  Didn't get adjusted before crewing the Swanton 100 either and the
>  following day, I had a terrible time getting out of bed.>
> "Tweaked?" You're spouting nonsense now. Precisely what do you think this

> quack is doing for you? Certainly not healing anything, eh? But he's sure
> you coming back for more. Nice hustle. 
> > I went to the
>  doctor.  He didn't do anything because I had already told him
>  I made an appointment with my chiropractor.  His comment was,
>  "You'll be treated if you go to your chiropractor.  We would just
>  be treating you with drugs instead to do the same thing.">
> Jesus, where are you finding these idiots? Or are you just telling a fib?

> Does the MD have email? Maybe we could get him to testify to what you say
> said.
>  > I always
>  feel immediate relief after a chiropractic treatment, although
>  I have to admit this last spasm took quite a few treatments.>
> The future is bleak for you unless you get genuine medical attention. 
>  >My horse couldn't physically make it up the hill last year.  You
>  could see that his whole hip was assymetrical.  I had a well
>  known endurance vet who has a base practice in equine chiropractic
>  and accupuncture treat him with accupuncture and chiropractic
>  manipulation.>
> Precisely what did he move from where to where? What was his diagnosis?
> did he tell you he was doing? 
> >  The very next time I rode my horse, he was able
>  to power himself up that very same hill without a problem.  He
>  tweeked himself rolling in the paddock and getting tangled in his
>  sheet earlier this winter.  Tweeked again, acted lame.  Called
>  Nancy again and he was no longer lame.  She never ran "diagnostics"
>  other than structural alignment - in fact she would refer a new
>  client to a regular vet for diagnosis before she would
>  schedule an appointment.  She also evaluates the horses dental
>  alignment and farrier work in a much more structurally integrative
>  way than a traditional clinical vet.>
> And what is "structural alignment", pray tell? And what does
> integrative" mean? Both are real nice sounding phrases. Music to your
> Four and five-syllable words, just like an MD would use. Please explain
> to me. You've really got me flipped now. 
> > Accupuncture is based on traditional Chinese medicine.> 
> So is shoving an onion up the horse's butt. 
>  > It's not
>  a "New Age" unicorn thing for unicorn woman.>
> Have you read any double-blind papers on acupuncture? Do you know what
> all find? It's the equivalent of a very mild local anasthetic--and that's

> all. 
>  > I have also studied
>  martial arts and there is a lot to be said about internal power
>  and energy flow. >
> There is a lot to be said about Brother Leroy's Holy Hill Cathedral Holy 
> Water--why one day a lady sprinkled it on a beautiful Cadillac and the
> day--SHE OWNED IT!!! 
> Here's something you can take to the bank--the more talk involved in a 
> treatment modality, the more likely it is to be complete bullshit. 
>  >The "ki" as my ancestors would say or "qi"
>  as the Chinese would call it. It probably scares the Irish in you.>
> We Irish call it "focus". Don't know what that is in Chinese, but they're

> pretty primitive folk over there--they still stick formadehyde in the
> of girl babies as they are being born. Klingon medicine.
>  >All the rest of the stuff you mentioned,
>  "alternative" equine
>  treatment modalities. Lasers,
>  magnets, infrared diodes, TTouch,
>  "whispering", mind reading, etc.lasers,"
>  really don't have much to do with chiropractors. >
> Sure they do--they all have great stories attached to them--hell, TTeam
is a 
> full-blown religion. 
> > The ultrasound
>  treatment I received from my chiropractor is the same ultrasound
>  treatment I received from the Stanford Sports Medicine group
>  when I had my ACL injury.>
> Sure--a useful treatment modality. Even a quack has to do something right
> he won't get you back again. Do you know what ultrasound does? Please
tell us 
> all.
>  >Okay, TI.  Tear me apart.  I'm expecting it.>
> You flipped me good. I had to.
> ti
>  Kathy >>
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