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Re: Chiropractors
In a message dated 9/12/00 11:03:50 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
kathy_mayeda@atce.com writes:
<< I have gone for as long as 6 months without visiting my chiro if
I am good at keeping myself in shape, but usually I do something
to tweak myself, like getting tossed! >>
Ditto, I generally only need chiropractic help with acute injuries. I
started with a good chiropractor after over 10 years of excruciating chronic
neck pain that was not helped by anyone or anything, including occasional
tries with pretty heavy-duty pharmaceuticals. I had been told all my life
that chiropractors were quacks, and I was a complete skeptic. I got
IMMEDIATE relief, but did require repeat visits for quite awhile to
maintain--until I was able to strengthen my neck and get those ligaments
healed. I was chiropractor-free for a few years, other than occasional
visits for acute injuries--and soon found that if I sought timely treatment,
there was considerably less damage, and most thing were helped in one or two
visits. (And by the way--I DID get before-and-after x-rays in one incident
when I spent an excruciating night in the ER with a back injury--the idiot
radiologists called my back films "normal" in the before shots, which was
B***S***--lumbar spine was out of alignment something like 8 degrees, and you
could SEE the variation in density between the muscles on one side and on the
other side. Films 2-3 hours post-adjustment showed a straight lumbar spine
with no difference in muscle density...) Most recent incidents for me have
been a car wreck with serious whiplash (1997) and my shoulder injury this
July. Both DID require multiple visits, but both progressed FAR more rapidly
than the MD's said they could. (And I am NOT in any sort of fit athletic
condition, nor am I the most motivated or obedient patient.) Nope, they
haven't cured my allergies or made my hair grow faster. But they darn sure
make a difference in specific types of injuries.
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