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> Do you think it is a result of the hormone injection, or is there
something else I should consider?
Tracey -
I'm not sure I'd call it "advice" as much as a possible avenue of
thought/investigation, but here's my idea:
I've been known to collect alpha mares, for some unknown (psychotic?)
reason. Maybe its my masochistic side. One of the things I've found about
mine is that they're very opinionated about everything, and won't miss a
chance to express themselves. I have to take it very seriously, and cater
to whatever is the current "deal" and I've got a super-horse. When
something is out of place (most recently, it was a pair of hind toes that
were dragging, due for shoeing which I do myself and hadn't got to yet) I
get either a piss-monster who will pin ears and crank tails, or a totally
"flat" horse (with the shoes it was flatness - new shoes and she was her old
ambitious self again). These mares just don't miss any chance to let me
know they have needs. It could be a saddle that's sliding just a bit to
forward, or barefoot feet that want shoes, or a bit that doesn't fit right,
or "could you just please post on the *other* diagonal today?" or some petty
So maybe Toc is just pouting. Or maybe he's pouting because he doesn't feel
quite himself ...
BTW, what does depo-provera do?
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