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Re: RC: RC class assignment.. was rescues
At 02:36 PM 8/11/00 -0400, Jackie wrote:
>Lif, Were you there at the last minute when there was no time for a
>"volunteer briefing"?
Not at all. At the volunteer briefing time at the various rides I've
worked on, I've been assigned a job - timer, P&R, vet sec, gate person,
whatever - had the schedule explained, etc. but rarely have RMs told the
volunteers even basic info like where the RM was going to be at any given
moment during the ride, much less what an emergency help procedure would
be, or anything like that. On rides where there is radio communication, we
have been told that they exist & where they'll be located. I can't recall
if I've ever volunteered at a ride where any medical help people were
introduced either, so that if they were there I wouldn't have known who
they were or what they looked like. Lif
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