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RC: RC class assignment.. was rescues
In a message dated 8/11/00 12:39:49 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
fasterhorses@gilanet.com writes:
<< The rides I've worked on, I was
assigned a duty & dumped in place to do it. >>
Lif, Were you there at the last minute when there was no time for a
"volunteer briefing"? If not add "volunteer meeting" to the list of pre-ride
duties for RM's. also, all volunteers should know the "chain of command" or
is that too much to ask? I am asking sincerely here, if I were at some other
horse event (X-country, for example) and somebody asked me to do a turn at a
task, would I know who to go to for answers? I probably would because I
don't go into those situations without knowing, but does everyone?
While were at it... can we start a list a duties for a RM, how about if I
start with an item. This hopefully will end up as a primer for "How to put on
a ride".
1. Idenitfy trails.
Jackie Baker
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