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VA Trail Closure
I think that we have this problem in Va. well underhand.
Something everyone needs to understand is that we (Va Horse Council) have
had a good relationship with the FS including this district and that we hope
that this incident of closure occurred as a result of poor judgement on the
part of someone that we frankly liked working with. We need to continue to
constructively work through our problems here and not just swing at the FS.
We have their attention now through the numerous letters that have been sent
(including Jerry's) and through work I have been doing here in state. Our
goal is to fix this problem without harming an otherwise good working
I have assurances from one of my contacts in the FS Regional office that he
will personally walk the trail next week and then we will work together
towards a resolution.
As I have mentioned before, we have a good network here in state for trails
administation. Our Dept. of Natural Resouces recently formed a Trails
Advisory Council (which I sit on along with several FS reps). This Council
will provide an avenue for working through problems such as this one in
addition to its initial goals of updating the Va. Outdoors Plan. DNR
staff are actually suporting our efforts to reopen this trail as well. I
have a meeting with our state secretary of natural resources next week.
While he has no jurisdiction over Federal lands he does have a close working
relationship with the FS Regional staff because they have undertaken a
number of joint projects.
I thank all of your who sent in letters supporting the repair and continued
existance of this trail. They were heard - at least enough that we are able
to get the situation reviewed closely. When I have an update I will let you
Sally Aungier
Chair, VHC Trails Committee
Member, Virginia Trails Advisory Council
(note home email is saungier@mindspring.com)
Excerpts from previous message from Jerry
> -----Original Message-----
> From: hikryrdg [SMTP:hikryrdg@evansville.net]
> Sent: Friday, August 11, 2000 11:04 AM
> Subject: RC: VA Trail Closure
> To all: First the Equine Trail Coalition is a not for profit that will be
> involved with negotiations in matters like this.It will also be very
> active in
> litigation with the FS, BLM and Park Service if necessary.I have been
> contact
> with the Region 8 forester and she has promised me that there will be an
> internal investigation into the matter. The ranger responsible for the
> destruction is now out west on fire duty and when he returns we will have
> some
> answers. Until then I want everyone to remain calm and we will work this
> one
> out.
> But back to the problem in Virginia, the plus side is that we are becoming
> so
> well organized in our trail efforts, we can now work on a first name basis
> with
> the leadership within the Forest Service! This is progress and we have a
> long
> way to go. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
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