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Re: RC: VA Trail Closure
To all: First the Equine Trail Coalition is a not for profit that will be
involved with negotiations in matters like this. It will also be very active
in litigation with the FS, BLM and Park Service if necessary. I have been
contact with the Region 8 forester and she has promised me that there will be
an internal investigation into the matter. The ranger responsible for the
destruction is now out west on fire duty and when he returns we will have some
answers. Until then I want everyone to remain calm and we will work this one
out. This should be easy to solve compared to issues that are now
appearing in
California. Greg is correct in his analysis of the political impact
Clinton/Gore and the extreme environmentalists are having on the forest
and other land managers. If you think Eco-Al is sympathetic to our access of
federal lands you are dead wrong. We are in a brutal fight to retain our
cultural rights to our trails.
But back to the problem in Virginia, the plus side is that we are becoming so
well organized in our trail efforts, we can now work on a first name basis
the leadership within the Forest Service! This is progress and we have a long
way to go. I will have another conference call with the American Horse
this next week, discussing the plan to set in place within the AHC a "trails
committee" that will recommend legislation and lobbying efforts to curtail the
insanity now running rampant within the top leadership of the forest service,
blm and National Park System. It is our intent to put and keep horses back
into the facilities that have traditionally have had a presence of horsemen!
And what did you do for your trails today? Jerry Fruth
>Greg Jones giltmead@mis.net
>Anyone who hasn’t read the post by Sally Aungier on 7/30 Re a trail
closing in
VA needs to! The closing was an atom bomb type reaction and the violation
leading to it was an excuse to do what they wanted, not a reason!
>Besides the need to help reopen this trail there are two points to take home:
>1) This is a perfect example of why we need to support Jerry Fruth’s efforts
to launch the Equine Trail Coalition so that we have a national voice, and
>2) This is a reflection of the orientation of the people who have been
up the ladder in the USFS under the Clinton/Gore/Dombeck administration. If
you aren’t aware of what is at stake for trail users in the up-coming election
there is still time to learn.
>Greg Jones
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