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Re: RC: Re: Rescues . . . On a positive note

At 08:43 AM 8/11/00 -0400, Carolyn wrote:
>all ride managers should have at least a few numbers for any such 
>emergency that may come along!  You never know what may come along and the 
>safest and sanest way to deal with it is a plan of action!

I sure wish someone from WSTF ride management or a Tevis volunteer who 
knows would comment.  Does anyone know for sure that Tevis management 
*didn't* have just what Carolyn suggests?  Isn't it just possible that in 
the stress of the situation maybe Denise just didn't happen to hook up with 
the right person who had that info... after all, Tevis has 600 volunteers 
plus the WSTF people themselves & the vets - it's very possible that not 
all of them were totally versed in emergency response, but that doesn't 
mean that the RM didn't have the info.  I personally don't know the answer 
to my question and I don't feel it's right to presume that Denise's 
situation wasn't a fluke, rather than RM policy.

This of course brings up another issue, which is how much responsibility 
for the ride do the volunteers have?  The rides I've worked on, I was 
assigned a duty & dumped in place to do it.  Nobody told me about anything 
else.  If someone had asked me about emergency services, the best I could 
do would be to try to help them locate the RM.  If people are going to 
continue to volunteer for rides, we can't expect them to be professionals 
at ride management, nor to bear the responsibility and knowledge bank of 
the ride manager.  Lif

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