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Rescues . . . On a positive note
Have been reading the thread about rescue resources with great interest.
I have a somewhat interesting perspective on this for two reasons. One is
that I'm a trainer for hazmat emergencies (you know, tanker overturns,
chlorine leaks, that sort of think), and secondly, last summer my hubby and
his horse had to be "rescued" when they fell off a steep bank (understatement
on "steep") and got stuck in some serious mud in the area a couple hundred
feet (?) below.
The team at FAHA (PA) who handled the emergency did a topnotch job. In an
emergency (whatever variety), there are some things which are always the
same, and from there it is a crap shoot. In my eyes, the job of Ride
Management is similar to that of an Incident Commander in a Hazmat Emergency
-- determine the best plan of action and do your darnedest to find the best
resources to handle it, and keep those resources SAFE.
Having every conceivable resource available, on site or on call is sometimes
impractical, although allocating resources (e.g. "on call") when there is a
high degree of probability of an emergency is a pretty wise thing. That is
why so many large chemical manufacturers have on-site hazmat teams (thank
goodness! it is how I make a living). Certainly it would be an excellent
idea for any ride management team to sit down and discuss potential
emergencies (which have a high probability of occurring) and figure out some
phone calls to make prior to the ride. (As if they don't have *enough* to
do. <chuckle>)
The other thing I have to add, although I imagine I might torque some folks
off by saying so . . . Is that "responding to an emergency" is just that.
The "emergency" already happened, and the "victims" are already victims. In
responding, I constantly remind my hazmat students that THEY are the most
important person. Next most important, THEIR STUFF (repelling equipment,
vehicle, supplies, personal protective equipment), then THEIR BUDDY, and
THEIR BUDDY'S STUFF. Then the victim(s). It seems rather cold, I know, to
put the victim so far down on the list, but the fact of the matter is that
you can't help anyone if you are dead (which you are likely to be if the
entire situation is too unsafe to facilitate rescue, your "stuff" isn't in
working order, or your "buddy" isn't available to rescue YOU).
And this from someone who bounced around in the back of a pickup truck,
listening in on radio conversations, clueless as to her own location while
Ride Management determined the best way to 'get to' her husband and his
(I don't mean to imply that my husband's situation was as serious as the one
at Tevis, nor to imply that the response there was adequate or perfect, just
attempting to show a different angle on this type of thing.)
P.S. Thanks FAHA folks, you can be on my "hazmat" team anytime!!
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