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deep flexor tendons
I am trying to understand how trauma to the deep flexor tendons at the
coffin bone would affect a horse and how long the healing process is in
tendons. If the nail puncture went to the tendons, I am assuming that would
cause the tendons soreness. Would it possibly cause them to contract? Are
wedges and gradual unwedging the treatment?? Will infection of the area
between the tendon attachment and digital cushion cause contraction, and
will removing the infection cause a gradual improvement? Is there any
therapy to help loosen the tendons back up?
My mare will set the hoof down on the toe, but we have never seen her set
the foot in a position where the tendons would be in their stretched
position (foot flat, bearing weight). She jerks it back up frequently as if
it hurts to extend it for too long. Now that the bad tissue is removed, I
don't think the problem is limited to deep bruising (some soreness is
expected, but she's still dead lame).
Vet will be back out on Monday, but these are burning Sat. night questions.
m (aka Michelle Rowe), CO
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