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endurance horses
Again.... the amazing happens... it from the pit comes
out from lurking to ask a few questions..... If ya'll
can remember waaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy back, I was the young
teen who had problems with a very tall black
appy/running qh gelding who acted like a 2 year old
even though he was 14. well, since then we have come a
long way, but I know he is not suitable for endurance.
now-before anyone says i don't know what I'm talking
He freaks out whenever we trailer to a new sight, and
goes bonkers if his brother is not w/ him in that new
place. We have been working really hard to get over
the bucking thing, and so far its going really really
well! He would probably had been a good prospect at
one point, but after working w/ him for over 2 yrs,
and know his habits, sadly, he minds me better than
anyone else, but its still the manner thing. I
wouldn't put myself, him, or another horse and rider
into danger because of that.
Now for the question: from what I've read about, heard
about, etc. Basically most endurance horses are arabs.
and i've read about all the genetic advantages they
have, etc. but what I'm wondering is, has anyone ever
taken a young qh, or something of that type, taught
them to pace themselves, horse had a good attitude,
etc. and done well in endurance, like worked way up to
Tevis, or other 100's?
I'm probably sounding like complete idiot at this
point- but the pictures i get into my head after
hearing so many stories are horses small in stature,
or even tall, but not too bulky, that like to go. has
anyone ever had a pluggy endurance horse?
The point- Hopefully in the next year we will be
moving to Central oregon from the coast, and I will
start being able to look for a prospect. we don't
have the room now... so i have the butt head---- we
condition and ride a lot, we just don't compete....
well, thanks for impute!
The youngling-
To My Horses: Horses are my life, horses are me, horses are the answer, the key. Without them I'd perish, no friends, no life with which to live. Them, always will I cherish, their love, and what they give. Horses are my life, horses are my way. And never will the day come, that I'd throw one way. They come, and go like the weather, but leave a mark in my heart that will stay forever. My boys, I love! ~Kelsey
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