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RE:Tevis (long)

Jonni <>
>>>In my opinion, it takes an equestrian with "good horse sense" which includes good judgment and good horsemanship plus a little luck to complete the ride.<<<

While I think that these traits are VERY important to getting through any ride, Tevis or others, I do not think that a rider who has only done packing or pleasure rides understands what it takes to get over 100 miles in a time limit of 24 hours. The only way a person learns how to deal with riding a horse over a pre-set distance, at a minimum pace of 5 miles an hour, and understand what is going on within that horse is experience. I know many people who have ridden all their lives, and some who have even done horse camping and packing, but can not take a P&R on a horse, or know what to do with the data if someone told them what their horse was at. Lets not even get into recognizing dehydration, or knowing how to check mucus membranes or capillary refill.

Yes, a person who spends days in the back country packing with horses does usually understand basic health needs, injuries etc., but lets face it, these horses are walking 99% of the time, and do not do 100 miles in 24 hours. I do not think you can compare the two.

I do not know if we need to "qualify" riders for Tevis. That is still in debate in my mind. 


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