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Re: RC: Ridecamp post
At 07:02 PM 7/5/00 -0700, Paula C Gentry wrote:
I get tired of defending cowboys because of
less-than-stellar examples within the profession. Ray Hunt, Tom Dorrance
and Buck Brannaman, pioneers of natural horsemanship, all cowboys.
Well, one might point out that Ray, Tom and Buck left being cowboys for
natural horsemanship for a reason, if one was inclined to be
argumentative, but I would never do that.
Maybe it all just depends where the cowboys you see are located.
Around here "cowboy horsemanship" is fairly brutal. I'm
not saying all cowboy types are like that but there sure are a lot of
them around here. Remember, just because you were weaned on
horseback doesn't mean you know how to deal with horses well and
fairly. For lots of people - even endurance riders! - it just mean
you don't feel like you have any homework to do. Lif
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