Re: RC: alone?
> Is my thinking correct on this or is there a
> better way to build her willingness & confidence up about going out alone??
I'm no endurance or training diva, but I have plenty of experience riding
alone, because I've always boarded at barns where everyone else thinks 5
miles at a jog is a hard ride. <g> So I will tell you what I have decided
is the most important factor in getting a horse to go out on the trail
with you comfortably, without other horses along -- he has to trust and
respect you as much as he does another horse. It sounds kinda silly, but
really, I think it's a matter of developing a relationship with the horse,
to the point that he no longer feels alone on the trail when he's with
I think it's important to spend time on the ground with your horse, so
that he learns to think of you as a companion. I don't just "do
groundwork" with my guy (tho I am a big fan of the Parelli methods), I
also spend a lot of time handgrazing him, or just walking out into the
pasture to hug him or feed him a treat. You also have to spend hours in
the saddle so he learns to trust your directions. It takes time. I have
a horse now that I can ride anywhere, anytime, all by himself, and I never
worry about how he'll act, because I pretty much know exactly how he'll
act in most circumstances, because I've put in the time with him. And I
know that he'll go wherever I tell him, whether we're riding alone or
whether we are with two young ninny horses that are afraid of squirrels.
<g> But I do believe that time on the ground is important too, not just
"wet saddle blankets."
Just my two cents' worth :)
Glenda & Lakota
Mobile, AL
AERC # M18819 & H27310
SE Region
- References:
- alone?
- From: "Michelle Fink" <michrowe@frontier.net>
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