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Re: RC: Re: alone?
Sarah McIntosh wrote:
> She started backing up towards the barn and then I thought, fine if she
> wants to move backwards, she can go backwards, but in the direction I want
> to go. We started backing down the driveway. went a short ways, i let her
> think for a minute and then i turned her forwards, and offered her to walk
> up the driveway. we repeated the back up the driveway, turn forward ask for
> forward movement aobut 5 times before she agreed with me that it was better
> to walk up the driveway than back up the driveway. I praised her whenever
> she gave forward movement. She did pause many times but only briefly and
> then went forward when I asked. We only did about 3/4 mile short loop. The
> good thing was she had been thru the same trails before and as soon as she
> realized she was headed home already she was a happy camper. It wasn't a
> fun ride for me, but it was great to get started and every ride after that
> she just got better and better. within a few months she would happily head
> out the driveway not even thinking about her pasture buddies.
> The thing I always try to remember is (and I can't remember who said it
> first) make the right thing easy and the wrong thing difficult.
> Sarah McIntosh & Saffy
> Abbotsford, BC
How absolutely perfect! You did the right thing. I've got to send your message
to a friend of mine who is having a problem. Thanks.
- References:
- alone?
- From: "Michelle Fink" <michrowe@frontier.net>
- Re: alone?
- From: "Sarah McIntosh" <smcintos@rapidnet.net>
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