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Trail Courtesy
In a message dated 5/29/00 4:12:37 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
bkeeffe@nativeson.com writes:
<< A couple of weeks ago the road from Lopez Lake to Pozo was full of traffic.
Everyone who passed was courteous except for this one motorcycle guy. He
passed us 3 times, each time putting on his show of brainless motorcycle
strength. I felt the true meaning of road rage this day and am still fuming
about it. >>
Hey! I love that ride. I especially like stopping at the Pozo Saloon mid
way :) I don't really have any good suggestions on how to deal with ill
mannered motorcyclists; I did run into one today with excellent manners.
Actually, a mountain biker and a motor cyclist. I was trotting up Refugio
Road (Santa Ynez mountains) and the mountain biker was coming down. Harca
and I were both in the zone and not really all there any more. We met the
biker on a curve (luckily we had the inside). The biker looked as startled
as I was and both he and Harca performed evasive manuvers. We missed each
other by a whisker. Harca was still in the zone and was going to keep
trotting on. I pulled over and asked the guy if he was ok. He apologized
profusely and asked ME if I was ok. We were both at fault (if there really
was a fault here). It would have been a nasty wreck. About an hour later a
dirt bike came whizzing up behind us at a creek crossing -- the minute he saw
us he killed his engine and walked the bike up to us. What a guy! I was so
appreciative that I think the guy must have thought I was a bit of a nut. I
was babbling on about how wonderful it was to meet people who were
considerate and polite, blah, blah blah. :)) I think he was happy to just
start his engine and get the heck away from the wacko horse woman. Wish I
had an answer on how to TEACH people to be courteous -- I just know that its
important to THANK the ones who are. Happy trails.
Sylvia & Harca
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