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Home brew electrolytes

People are writing asking for "my" recipe.  It's the very old Ridgeway

1 pt. Calcium
2 pt. Lite Salt
2 pt. Salt

I've been fudging a tad and adding a tad more lite salt and a tad less
salt.  I put Tums in a coffee grinder.  They get VERY fine, you breath
the stuff.  The reason I like it better than the bought stuff is that it
never gets clumpy...and some of the bought stuff requires double dosing
and who wants to use two syringes per vet check?

I take one film cannister of this mixture, add about 2 tsp. of apple
sauce and about a tsp. Mylanta and spoon that into the syringe.  In this
weather I give it about every hour (but that's going 10mph or so, not
sure what I'd do if slower). In normal weather I give one dose before the
ride, and one at every vet check. I never give any salts at home other
than free choice.  I'm not saying this is perfect, but I seem to be
getting away with it.

People also asked how to measure Tums.  I crush them in a coffee grinder
and then measure the powder.  If I'm doing something wrong, I'd be happy
to hear it, but don't tell Kaboot.  If nothing else, this might help
somebody who runs out of bought ones and doesn't have time to order new

Angie McGhee

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