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Re: Trail Courtesy
Hi Sylvia & Harca!
>> << A couple of weeks ago the road from Lopez Lake to Pozo was full of
>> Everyone who passed was courteous except for this one motorcycle guy. He
>> passed us 3 times, each time putting on his show of brainless motorcycle
>> strength. I felt the true meaning of road rage this day and am still fuming
>> about it. >>
>> Hey! I love that ride. I especially like stopping at the Pozo Saloon mid
>> way :) I don't really have any good suggestions on how to deal with ill
>> mannered motorcyclists; I did run into one today with excellent manners.
>> Actually, a mountain biker and a motor cyclist.
Glad to hear you enjoy the same road! Let's meet at the Pozo Saloon one
Sunday for ???. The area is absolutely beautiful any time of the year, even
when it's drying up like it is now. Annette and I ride it almost every
Sunday. I'm out of commission at the moment though. Had a horse go down on
me at one of the watering troughs, nothing broken. A lot of bruises and a
few cracked/separated ribs that make it very uncomfortable to 'bounce' at
the moment let alone breath, cough, sneeze, yawn or laugh. Still, someday
we can meet on the trail and a nice ride.
The good definitely outweighs the bad when it comes to polite traffic on
the road. We all need that reminder. Thanks. Know what you mean about
looking like the crazed woman on a horse repeating "thank you" :-) Nothing
like a good giggle guessing what I look like. Another Thanks.
>> I was trotting up Refugio
>> Road (Santa Ynez mountains)
I KNOW Refugio! Nice place to ride! A lot of bikers up that way too.
>> and I were both in the zone and not really all there any more. We met the
>> biker on a curve (luckily we had the inside). The biker looked as startled
>> was babbling on about how wonderful it was to meet people who were
>> considerate and polite, blah, blah blah. :)) I think he was happy to just
>> start his engine and get the heck away from the wacko horse woman.
Glad to hear all this ended Okay and that all you and Harca came away with
was a story to tell.
I'm not a religious person in the sense of the word although I do worship
Mother Nature...But sometimes I want to say "Bless You" when bikers (both
motor and pedal) are courteous on the trail. If it's a young person I am
always quick to tell them that their mother did good and to be sure to tell
them I said so.
>> Wish I had an answer on how to TEACH people to be courteous -- I just know
>>that its important to THANK the ones who are.
>> Happy trails.
>> Sylvia & Harca
I wish you had an answer on how to teach people to be courteous too. We
just have to be happy that not all trail/road users are inconsiderate jerks
and remember that "What goes around comes around" . . . just let me live
long enough to see it come around please.
Well, my feeling of "road rage" has lessened some with all the wonderful
responses to my message.
I am very appreciative of all the help and advice.
Happy Trails To You,
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