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Re: RC: Million Pines with Angie

At 09:50 PM 4/12/00 EDT, wrote:

If in response to:
>"So how did you like my last story?"  

You get:
>She said to me, without batting an eye, "You know, Howard (emphasis on the 
>"Howard"), I like you better in person than I do on the computer."  
>Intentional pause here.  Then she says, "And that ain't saying much."

and then:
>Howard, you bother Bill."

>So, that was it.  Probably the last conversation I'll ever have with the 
>woman.  My point is, now, do I take her out of all my stories?  Do I stop 
>writing about her?  Is the deadly bantering between us over?  Or will it 
>continue on till one of us dies?

I've p***ed off a good number of people in the time I've been around, some
of them on purpose, most of them not - I'm just clumsy sometimes.  I'd say
this one is going to continue for quite some time.  I'd say she's well
beyond a bit annoyed.

>PS.  I'm counting votes on whether I should extinguish Angie from my

As to how you plan on extinguishing her from previous stories, I don't
know.  Things live forever on the net.  If you look in the right places,
you can find me arguing whether OS/2 or Windows NT is better.  Everything
you ever write is archived somewhere, and when you least expect it, someone
will do a search and bring it back up.  I've seen employers do this, which
is a good reason to at least try and be polite out here in Internet-world.
Called up one guy for an interview, and he starts with "So, you like

You'd be amazed what's out there - one guy got in an argument with me,
asked "What do you know about me anyway?"  After an hour's worth of
digging, I told him his dog looked funny (it did - I found a picture), what
kind of car he drove - all sorts of stuff.

>and future stories.  I think just one bucket of water should do the trick.  
>Let me know.  

My $0.02?  Drop it.  Don't talk to her. Don't talk about her.  If she talks
trash about you, ignore it.  This one is like a tar-baby - you go fooling
with it, and you'll just end up covered with black, sticky goo and looking
real bad.  You'd write perfectly fine stories without carrying on this mess.

Hell, even the illustrious and fearless Mr. Ivers says you ought to drop it
- that tells me something right there.  Fools may rush in where angels fear
to tread, but if you go rushing in where Tom fears to tread, well...

David LeBlanc

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