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Re: RC: Y'allbonics

In a message dated 04/12/2000 9:11:17 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

 I saw you are from PA....Hey, my aunt is from PA....when she told me she 
came from Pennsylvania....I said...(keep in mind, I was 8) "wow! then you 
must know everything there is to know about pencils!  And, there is one very 
strange thing that I hear allllllllllllllllllll PA people say.....okay, 
say I said, "hey, I went to a great ride this weekend"
the PA-er would say, "did yaaaaaaa" with an emphasis on the "did" and a long, 
drawn out "yaaaaaaaaaaa"
I'm from the good ol' golden state....and I still like to say "ya'll"
sorry....I'm just in the mood to pick on someone....feel free to pick back :-)
I reckon we's gonna get some peeple who don' think this gots much ta do with 

<< Good Morning Ridecampers! . . . .
 Couldn't help it!  After having a "viewing" of some of ya suthners, this
 kinda rings a bell in ma hed!  And y'all no who this sownds like!  Fess
 up!!!!  We know who you are and how you talk!! Can you guys help tell me
 how this relates to ridecamp topics? 
  Hope y'all enjoy!!!
Karen in Pennsylvania >>

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